Getting My Feet Wet
Getting My Feet Wet

Watercolor, 13x19 inches, 2023

NYBG Perennial Garden
NYBG Perennial Garden

Artwork created at the New York Botanical Garden’s 5th Annual Plein Air Invitational. I was one of 21 artists invited to paint the beautiful garden in the Bronx, NY.

Watercolor, 14x10 inches, 2022


Watercolor, 10x14 inches, 2021


Playa Girón
Playa Girón

Watercolor, 9x12 inches, 2021


Isla de la Plata, Ecuador
Isla de la Plata, Ecuador

Watercolor, 9x12 inches, 2020

Brooklyn House
Brooklyn House

Watercolor, 9x12 inches, 2018


Grand Army Plaza
Grand Army Plaza

Watercolor, 7x10", 2017


President St. Stoop
President St. Stoop

Watercolor, 7x10 inches, 2017

Contact Aki to purchase

Central Park Tree
Central Park Tree

Watercolor, 9x12 inches, 2017

Getting My Feet Wet
NYBG Perennial Garden
Playa Girón
Isla de la Plata, Ecuador
Brooklyn House
Grand Army Plaza
President St. Stoop
Central Park Tree
Getting My Feet Wet

Watercolor, 13x19 inches, 2023

NYBG Perennial Garden

Artwork created at the New York Botanical Garden’s 5th Annual Plein Air Invitational. I was one of 21 artists invited to paint the beautiful garden in the Bronx, NY.

Watercolor, 14x10 inches, 2022


Watercolor, 10x14 inches, 2021


Playa Girón

Watercolor, 9x12 inches, 2021


Isla de la Plata, Ecuador

Watercolor, 9x12 inches, 2020

Brooklyn House

Watercolor, 9x12 inches, 2018


Grand Army Plaza

Watercolor, 7x10", 2017


President St. Stoop

Watercolor, 7x10 inches, 2017

Contact Aki to purchase

Central Park Tree

Watercolor, 9x12 inches, 2017

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